Arestin® San Antonio, TX

Do you have periodontitis, an advanced stage of gum disease? Seeking treatment for gum disease is important for the restoration of oral health and overall physical wellness. Healthy gums play a key role in many aspects of our health, from providing a stable environment for the teeth to serving as a barrier against harmful bacteria in the mouth. 

The dental care team at Advanced Dental Associates in San Antonio can offer a comprehensive approach to treating all stages of gum disease, including periodontitis. In addition to traditional treatment methods, we offer Arestin® to address the damage caused by late-stage gum disease, treating infection deep within the gums. This advanced treatment supports traditional treatment like scaling and root planing.  

arestin treatment for periodontitis in san antonio tx

Arestin: how does it work?

Arestin is a slow-release minocycline HCL antibiotic that is used in a powder form. First, we will perform a scaling and root planing procedure to remove plaque from the tooth roots, working close to the gum line and within pockets to address infection. Arestin is then applied into pockets and along the gum line. The antibiotic will seep into the affected tissue and slowly kill any remaining bacteria so the gums can begin to heal.

Arestin offers patients a next-level treatment for removing infection from deep within gum tissues. Patients can restore gum health over time and avoid complications such as tooth loss if treated in a timely manner. Arestin will need some minor adjustments to your daily diet and oral hygiene for a few days. Our team will provide instructions for post-treatment care so that you enjoy optimal results. Studies have shown that combining scaling and root planing with Arestin can deliver a significant decrease in the size of pockets around tooth roots, also known as pocket depth (PD). This translates to better long-term gum health and is an indication that bacteria have been eradicated. 

Is Arestin Right for You?

The first step towards healthier gums is a dental visit with our team at Advanced Dental Associates. We will evaluate the condition of your gums and recommend appropriate treatment. Arestin is typically recommended when there are visible pockets around tooth roots and other signs of advanced gum disease.

Periodontitis can become a chronic condition for some patients. In these cases, we may recommend periodic use of Arestin to keep bacteria at bay and minimize the risk for damage to the gums.